Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Bad Day? There's an ice cream flavor for that..

Over the past three days, I have had .92lbs of ice cream (Skinny Dip) plus a (gallon?) huge tub of cookie dough ice cream from Harris Teeter. Can you say Jenny likes to eat her feelings? But, beyond bad days, nothing makes me eat more than some anxious nerves, and the wheels turning in my head.
Anyhow, I hate government. We should just be self-governing criminals because human nature is rotten. I wholeheartedly agree with Thomas Hobbes, life without government are men at war. But, then again, life with government is as well. Today, as I sat in the library after school, yearning to leave school without any written homework to do, teachers began filing in. Apparently, there was a small meeting planned to discuss midterm schedule and whatnot. I tuned most of it out, determined to finish my quadratics before exiting Jesse O. Sanderson High School. About twenty minutes after the meeting convened, I came to a different set of problems, and sought the help of my trust notes packet. As I stared at the page, slowly, just like increasing the volume on a radio, the meeting became more and more audible. For whatever reason, some man on staff felt passionately towards exams (of all things to feel passion towards, you pick midterms?!) and finished his spout by rattling off a couple swear words, the exact same words students spend an entire afternoon in Detention for using. How ironic. Seconds later, my mind reverted back to making sense of the example I had scribbled into my notes. After maybe ten seconds of pure concentration, this teacher walked up to me and sat down. She asked if I were her for quiet study, in which I held my tongue from saying clearly not, because her whole clan of cussing co-workers were crushing any ability for it to even been a remotely quiet study time. I responded saying yes, to which her face was a blatant expression of stress, as if my presence of trying to complete my homework was killing her. She said she would HATE for me to have to hear this "boring" meeting, and be "distracted" by it, so would I mind being relocated? Now what is wrong with this picture? First off, for the other almost half hour I have been placed in this chair, you have not cared in the slightest that I was distracted. Secondly, if this meeting is so excruciatingly unamusing, how would I be distracted? You should have thought of some better reasons for kicking me out of the library, maybe like the fact that you want to conceal that our "over-equipped" teachers cuss so comfortably outside of the classroom confines. Maybe that our own government (of schooling) does exactly what they instruct us not to do?
Men are by nature murderers, robbers and thieves, liars and lazybums, molesters, and selfish ambition-ers. From day one, we are consumed by #1. There is no denial of this, so then why are we governed? Our government are just a handful of criminals who know how to camouflage their crimes. Everything we amount to be is everything we amount to be. We can never amount to being perfect, or good-natured. We are evil and egocentric, narcissistic and greedy. And by saying we aren't, we're even greater liars.

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