Wednesday, March 23, 2011

baaaaaaa! wiy786cy6r2397xsjkjhskd

Seriously, the "Title:" bar mocks me! I can't come up with even semi-decent titles, shouldn't there be an option for no title!? Blogger should definitely update their technology to include that, for those of us who have much to say but are inept in creating titles!
Anyhow, I just really need to write. These past couple days  weeks have been exhausting, draining and only slightly rewarding. YAY - 94 on AlgII project and 93 on test, but boo for the 79 on Biology. I am extremely bad at time management. So I have some food for the thought. Mechanic efficiency in physics = work output / work input x 100. Now, if humans were 100% efficient (machines) would we only be able to complete what is told/expected/commanded of us or would we be efficient at everything including at being lazy? Like we are now...? I know that is such an absurd thing to say, much less think, but it has been eating up my brain the past few weeks, as I have been pondering about how bad I am at time management (which is ironic because I am bad at time management because I was ruminating over my ineptitude at time management...).
I am sure you are thoroughly confused and about to tell yourself you should've had a V8 (because if you had one, which of course contains mystical powers, you would have known this post was actually quite stupefying and futile). I really have nothing profound or recondite to say. Instead I am sitting here typing aimlessly about really nothing. Actually, I do have something to say. But it can't blend with the horrid awfulness of this post so I'll make a new one. Keep reading!!

Sorry I just wasted your time...

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