Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tidbits. :)

So, I'm sorry I mocked Bert and John Jacobs in a previous post of mine, but it was for the sake of proving a point. Call me contradictory, but I'm siding with them once more:

Life Is Good!

-Tea makes me happy though it tastes like diluted dirt water
-I think cameras are practical, but yet, so awful. I went running yesterday and my legs ran me straight to a park by my house. Upon seeing the beautiful lake as I entered the park, I also spotted a tranquil hideaway across the lake. I scurried around the lake to find the spot I had been eying and sat Indian style (the best way). After a few moments on meditating and just examining the glorious sight before me, a rising sun jabbed my peripheral(s?) (you know when the sun either reflects off something such as a car or comes out from beyond the trees where your sunglasses don't cover and your eye feels like a needle just was stuck in it? Maybe not, but bare with me). So I turned my head (uhh, who looks at the sun when it just jabbed them in the eye? Still, I'm glad I did.) and saw such an array of colors and a painting that 1,000 words would be such an injustice. The moment was so picturesque that though the sun was burning a hole in my retina, my gaze was glued. For a second, that little voice in my head (the one that is just so annoying, that says aww when they kiss in movies) said Oh darn! Shoulda brought your camera! But then the voice I favor, the proponent of all logic and reason, said No! You idiot! Why in the sam heck would you go running with a camera. Or, moreover, ruin this perfectly, incoherently exquistite moment?!  At that moment, I turned and glanced over the dazzling water and had basically the same arguement with myself once more. I thought it'd be nice to have my laptop with me, to blog about the beauty enclosing me and how dumbfounded it caught me, but then it would have lessened those moments. So I pushed all those thoughts to where they belonged and concentrated on the surroundings that had me so aghast. I wish so much that you (if anyone is reading this) could have seen the ravishing sights of the great outdoors. In those split seconds, there is nothing more certain in my whole body, that reaches an impeccably tall 5'3', that there is indeed a Creator. But that is a whole separate can of worms.
- I secretly shield my desire to read love stories because I feel it to be a weakness, and another thing that makes me part of the group I so violently abhor, but treasure them so much that (keep in mind once more, I don't cry) when I read Message in a Bottle, I wept myself to sleep.
-Rap never ceases to give me an inadvertent burst of energy.
-Summer camp, not church camp, is one of my favorite places to go in the entire world
-My aunt and uncle's back porch holds number one for that category (favorite place in the world)
-I LOVE math (except geometry) - “Mathematics, rightly viewed, posses not only truth, but supreme beauty; a beauty cold and austere” -Bertrand Russell. "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas" -Albert Einstein. Why? When everything else in life is unstable and feeble, weak and disappointing, or worst yet, unknown, Math always presents an answer. No solution or all solutions, there is always a logical, reasonable, possible, definite solution in which is faultless. When everything else requires faith I cannot give, Math provides logic and discovery, consistently. Math is the single post that can be grasped when everything spins out of control and collides with the ground.
-I am not a people person. I don't know why it took me so long to discover this, but I'm not. I never will be. I cannot handle people well. I become annoyed easily and in turn become passive. There is not bigger nightmare (other than getting married) than working in Customer Service once I am employed after college.
-I was meant to be a mermaid. Swimming is of second-nature to me (maybe due to my 7+ years of year around swimming? Nonetheless,) and I enjoy life much more from behind my Speedo Vanquisher goggle lenses.
-Despite popular belief and judgments placed upon me before actually knowing me, I truly am an outdoors-woman. As I was typing the last bullet, I almost typed that I enjoy life most [...] but hesitated and instead realized how I love the Great Outdoors more than anything else. Picnics and pools to hiking and heavy backpack trips, I might complain some, but what is more rewarding than looking back on a day spent basking in the beauties around you?
-The stars are one of my favorite sights. Before my dad began to be so consumed with work and whatnot, the two of us would grab two towels and trek down to the end of our driveway. I still can recall laying down with the crickets and mosquitoes on some blazing summer evenings and watching the stars just be. No need for tomorrow, I can remember feeling. I liked a boy in seventh grade because at the dance, we were right under the star and talked about them, and as a young-in, I found nothing more charming in the world.

I could go on forever about random tidbits, but I won't. It's rather selfish that I've already written so much solely on me and my likes and interests. Until then, you know where I'll be, in the Great Outdoors, doing my math homework, wishing the stars would come out tonight.

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