Friday, December 31, 2010

"I Could Be Stuck Here, For a Thousand Years" []

     Another year is coming to a cessation, a page in the Book of Life being turned and never to be flipped back to again. With that being said, I felt the need to express why the title of my blog happens to be If Life Were a Movie. Sure, initially it was a hasty decision due to a fight with my parents and the lack of inspirational music in the background as the fight ended, drawing my mind to see such differences between what movies feed us and teach us to expect and what realistically happens. But, now, I like to think the title takes on many different meanings and dimensions.
     If life were a movie... oh, we could go on forever with "if"s. That is where I come into picture, prepared with my favorite slippers, a fully charged laptop, and some sort of snack as brain food. All that amounts to me being able to write about how it isn't a movie, how life sometimes sucks, until my fingers are sore and carpal-tunnel is surely in its beginning stage. If life were a movie, my pastor would have eventually come onto stage and apologized to the Black-American toddler who was ignored. If life were a movie, I would submit my story about the Optimist ceiling, win the writing contest, and the builder would come meet me and tell me that the ceiling meant something to him too. But life's not a clichéd movie, one that contains picturesque endings or one door always opening after the last one closes, thus giving me freedom and ability to write about things that puzzle and aggravate me. I explore how life = one shot and the biggest waste of that shot is staring the variations of "if"s (what if, if only, etc) in the face and proceeding to miss what is in front of you. 
   If life were a movie, all the problems would have a glorious end, every tussle would be ceased triumphantly, but it's not. Therefore, mistakes are inevitable and permanent, with no Mr. Clean Magic Eraser able to do the job. So instead of sitting and watching your mistakes like spilled milk, clean it up move on, leaving behind everything that is yesterday's news and buckling up for what is next. 

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